Glenn Rosen, M.D. in Philadelphia, PA Prescribes Medical Marijuana

Doctor: Glenn Rosen, M.D.

Phone: (215) 848-6700

Info: Dr. Rosen is excited to continue growing his practice, Parkside Family Medicine, in East Falls, Philadelphia, PA. He is a second generation physician, following in the footsteps of his uncle. After graduating from West Chester East High School, Dr. Rosen received a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude.
Dr. Rosen earned his medical degree from Jefferson Medical College. He completed his residency in Family Medicine and served as Chief Resident at Abington Memorial Hospital. Dr. Rosen has been Board Certified in Family Medicine since 2002. Since residency Dr. Rosen has been a partner at Parkside Family medicine which was founded in 1972.
Dr. Rosen’s special interests include sports

medicine, diabetes, cardiology and comprehensive family care. He understands that each patient is unique and strives to work within a patient’s belief system with regards to their health. Dr. Rosen knows that there is a lot of information available today and wants to help guide individuals to make the best possible decisions about their medical care.

Address: 515 West Chelton Ave, Ground Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Specialty: Family Medicine




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